Liz: This is a cool page!
Dru: Yeah, we get to yak about all the stuff we hate!
Liz: I know this is stupid, but it's a space filler.
Dru: And it takes our minds off of going back to hell(school).
Liz: If you don't want to hear us go on about shitty stuff that we hate, go to another part of the site.
Dru: Oh and, by the way, there's a section down there titled "Stuff that YOU hate". It's where you can send us stuff you hate. Send it to Liz because she likes getting e-mails:
Shitty bands~~by Liz~~
Backstreet Boys*they sucked first*
Nysnc*they suck, an exact copy off bsb, except suckier*
98 Degress*they sound like every other boy band*
Christina Whateverherlastnameis*coughWHOREcough*
Britney Spears*what a bitch*
Mandy Moore*she can't act or sing~
Willa Ford*punk star my ass*
O Town*liquid dreams? need i say more*
Hanson*country and pop. MY EARS CAN'T TAKE IT*
Chumbawumba*who listens to them anyway?*
5ive*ahhh! it's a british version of nsync*
Mytown*okay dru, don't kill me, but they suck*
Moffats**sarcsm*oh yes, i'm SO sure they're gone rock now cassie**
SoulDecision*if i hear "faded" one more time i will kill someone*
I hear all of this CONSTANTLY because of my dumb ass teenie bopper sisters. Take pitty on me.
Stuff that Drucilla hates: